Imagine what you'll create...

(Slide right to left to see the transformation)

color photo Before
black and white After


An amazing art experience for the whole family!!

Each kit turns out incredibly one-of-a-kind & you can make it differently over and over again.

  • Problem Solving & Fine Motor Skills

    Picto Kits are like making a puzzle with fabrics. Finding where & how each piece goes in helps train your brain.

  • Sensory & Tactile Experience

    Working with different fabric textures and wood pieces enhances the sensory & tactile experience.

  • Create Lasting Memories

    Picto Kits are the perfect family activity. Create lasting memories!

  • Create Art With Confidence

    Every kit turns out amazing, you can't mess them up, and you can make them differently over & over.

Let's Picto Party!!

Be our next amazing Picto artist!!

Check out all our fun designs...